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Entries for the ‘Security’ Category

Top 10 Strategies to Secure Your Code

Since Michael Howard moved from Redmond to Austin, I’ve had the privilege to see him present several times now. This is the guy who literally wrote the book on writing secure code and the secure development lifecycle. He is a fantastic speaker and I’d highly recommend checking him out if you every get the opportunity. […]

Next Generation Firewalls

I went to a Lunch n Learn last week sponsored by PaloAlto Networks and Fishnet Security talking about what PaloAlto calls the “next generation firewalls”. PaloAlto boasts having Nir Zuk, principal engineer at Check Point and one of the developers of stateful inspection technology, as it’s founder and CTO. Their product, the PA-4000, Series Firewall, […]

China Says It Lacks Skills To Hack US Systems

I was browsing Slashdot today and found an article on how a spokesman for China’s foreign ministry has said that China, being the “developing nation” that it is, lacks the sophistication to hack foreign systems.  This in response to recent statements from a couple of US Congressmen regarding Chinese probes of congressional systems for information about communication between US […]

Why is anyone still using WEP?

Wireless internet access is everywhere these days.  Everyone from restaurants and bars to the average Joe Homeowner has some sort of wifi network set up.  The problem is that they set up these networks without giving security a second thought (or even a first thought in most cases).  I was at the TRISC conference last month and heard […]

PCI Security Scanning Services

Recently I’ve been doing a lot of work looking at various vendors for the vulnerability scanning portion of PCI compliance (PCI Requirement 6.5). I’ve been talking to many different companies. Some sell tools and some sell services. We’re looking at vendors to either supplement or replace our current tool set. The only real specific requirement […]