Web Admin Blog

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Entries Tagged ‘ajax’

Development Issues within AJAX Applications: How to Divert Threats

This presentation was by Lars Ewe, CTO of Cenzic on AJAX applications and trying to explore the different implications of running AJAX in your environment.  My notes are below: Agenda What is AJAX? AJAX and Web App Security AJAX and Test Automation Vulnerability Examples: XSS, CSRF, & JavaScript Hijacking AJAX Best Security Practices Demo Q&A […]

Why is the Vignette Content Manager GUI Stuck in the 90’s?

Dear God, not another Vignette post?!?! What can I say? It’s all I’ve done for the past two-and-a-half days. For anyone who has used VCM, you know what I’m talking about. It’s a fairly powerful tool for content management, but it’s slow to the point that it’s almost unusable and the GUI design (web interface) […]