Web Admin Blog

Real Web Admins. Real World Experience.

Entries Tagged ‘vignette’

Vignette Village 2008

Vignette, the Austin-based Web content management company,  has an annual show called Vignette Village.  A whole crew went from our company; Mark and I represented the Web Admins. I got a lot out of Village though I wasn’t expecting to.  There was excitement in the air and clear commitment to continued development of their core […]

Why is the Vignette Content Manager GUI Stuck in the 90’s?

Dear God, not another Vignette post?!?! What can I say? It’s all I’ve done for the past two-and-a-half days. For anyone who has used VCM, you know what I’m talking about. It’s a fairly powerful tool for content management, but it’s slow to the point that it’s almost unusable and the GUI design (web interface) […]